前列腺特异性抗原(jcivd) Pot 测试

前列腺特异性抗原(jcivd) Pot 测试

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前列腺特异性抗原(jcivd) Pot 测试

产品名称:Quantitative Determination Kit for Prostate Specific Antigen(jcivd)


医学杂志 PSA along with the JcMed HTY-100 PLUS/HTY-1600 Reader is a fluorescence immunoassay that quantifies the total Prostate Specific Antigen(jcivd) 人血清/血浆中的浓度. PSA is present in the prostate endoplasmic reticulum, prostate epithelial cells and secretions. Prostatic inflammation, benign

prostatic hyperplasia and acute urinary retention can increase PSA. PSA as a specific marker of prostate cancer can be used for the diagnosis of prostate cancer and post-treatment monitoring, but it can not be used as a basis for early diagnosis or diagnosis of malignant tumors. 同时, it is not suitable for cancer screening of general population.

产品组件:测试卡, 检测缓冲液, ID chip AND instruction for Use


为了 检测缓冲液, 按包装存放在密封袋中,在 2-30°C 下保存, 避免炎热和阳光, 干燥的地方, 适用于 24 几个月。 测试卡, 按包装存放在密封袋中,在 2-30°C 下保存, 避免炎热和阳光, 干燥的地方, 适用于 24 月. 不要冻结. Some protective measures should be taken in hot

summer and cold winter to avoid high temperature or repeated freezing and thawing.


不要打开 如果不打算使用测试卡,请取出造口袋. 检测卡开袋后请立即使用.


JcMed 生产的荧光免疫定量分析仪型号:: HTY-100PLUS, HTY-1600



血清或血浆样本可保存 3 2-8°C 下的天数. 如果需要更长的存储时间, -20°C 冷冻. 检测前确保样品达到室温. 避免反复冷冻和解冻.

我们的 优势:

★180+ 快速测试可用

