猫免疫缺陷 (国际汽联) 抗体测试

猫免疫缺陷 (国际汽联) 抗体测试



猫免疫缺陷 (国际汽联) 抗体测试

Feline immunodeficiency virus (国际汽联) is a virus specific to the cat family.
It is similar to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus, the cause of AIDS in people) in that it attacks and weakens the immune system and there is no cure.
FIV was first recognized in the mid-1980s and has been found in cats worldwide. Although widespread, it is not a common infection in cats.
Only 1-5% of cats show evidence of exposure to the virus. There are different strains of FIV, and some seem more harmful than others.

Common clinical signs of FIV infection include:

• Gingivitis/stomatitis (inflammation of the gums and mouth)

• Weight loss

• Poor appetite

• Fever, especially fever of unknown origin

• Inflammation of the membrane around the eyes (chronic conjunctivitis)

• Swollen lymph nodes

• Vomiting and diarrhea

Most of these signs are non-specific and many diseases can have a similar clinical picture. Any cat with persistent or recurrent illness or clinical signs should be tested for FIV, regardless of lifestyle.

应用 :

JCMED 犬细小病毒 (每次观看费用) 快速检测试剂盒试纸条是一种侧流试纸条测试,用于定性检测犬细小病毒 (每次观看费用) 血浆/血清快速检测试剂盒, 眼睛和结膜分泌物, 鼻液, 唾液, 和尿液.

储存条件 :

室温 有效期: 24 生产日期后几个月.

