
中东医疗实验室 2024

Powering medical laboratory growth in the Middle East and beyond Global reach, 本地焦点: 行业专业人士的中心,提供量身定制的解决方案,以鼓励医学实验室的机会. 加入社区并见证实验室进步的未来. 步入医学实验室创新的脉搏! 中东医疗实验室 2024 是尖端突破的交响曲, 一幅充满无限网络可能性的画布, 以及通向医学未来的大门. 在这非凡的旅程中, we invite you to join us at...

JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit (尿) Cut-off

Drug test detects the presence of drugs and drug metabolites using cutoff levels to determine whether a specimen tests positive or negative for the use of a specific drug. JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit (尿) is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of drugs of abuse in human urine specimens. The test kit detect OPI, 拖把, BZO, jcivd, 摇头丸, 五氯酚, 四氢大麻酚, 酒吧, 氧, 三氯乙酸, TML, 聚苯乙烯, 安培, 最大传输距离, jcivd, 凯特, K2, BUP, COT, FYL in urine qualitatively. Cut-off ConcentrationsAccept OEM Drug Name Abbreviation Cut-off Specification Customization Amphetamine AMP 1000...

How to Use The Drugs Test K-Cup ?

Drug test cups-Integrated cup urine drug test kits from JNCMED These urine cup drug test kits are suitable for employers and workplace drug testing, healthcare, schools and home drug testing. We have urine drug test cups for 17, 13, 11, 10, 和 7 drugs. Operation steps: Remove The Drugs Test K-Cup From The Sealed Pouch And Use It As Soon As Possible. (Use immediately after opening the package!) Remove The Test K-Cup Lid And Void Urine Directly Into...


Hospitalar 贸易展涵盖整个健康行业并促进其生产链中的良好业务. The future of the sector is here! At Hospitalar Tecnologia you will find a dedicated area for health tech companies and startups, as well as spaces with free lectures, demonstrations and knowledge generation. This is where the International Digital Forum, the main forum for technology applied to health, also takes place. In Hospital Rehabilitation, you will find companies that present equipment, devices and solutions for rehabilitation,...

2023 中国国际医疗器械博览会 (CMEF)

中国国际医疗器械博览会 (CMEF), 成立于 1979, 每年举办两次 - 春天和秋天. 后 30 多年不断创新和自我完善, CMEF已成为最大的医疗器械展览会, 亚太地区的相关产品和服务. 展会广泛涵盖医学影像等上万种产品, 体外诊断, 电子产品, 光学, 急救, 康复护理, 医疗信息技术和外包服务, 它为整个医疗行业提供服务...


作为专业的体外诊断试剂供应商, 我们有专业的产品包装服务! 这里有多种包装方案供您选择: 同时, 我们也很乐意为您提供定制包装服务! 欢迎联系我们获取更多信息!


JCMED is a CE, ISO and FDA Drug Test Kit manufacturer. Our Drug Test Kit used to detect drugs such as nicotine, fentanyl, marijuana (四氢大麻酚), cocaine (jcivd), amphetamine (安培), 吗啡 (MOR), phencyclidine (五氯酚) and barbiturates (酒吧). Serves medical diagnostic, laboratory and point-of-care markets. DRUG OF ABUSE TEST KITSAccept OEM Cat. No. Product Description Specimen Format Kit size Cut-Off level(的/mL) CE status JC151-11U AMP Amphetamine Test Strip Urine Strip 50 时间 1000 ng/mL CE JC151-23U AMP Amphetamine Test Cassette Urine Cassette 25 时间 1000 ng/mL CE JC152-11U BAR Barbiturate Test Strip Urine Strip 50 时间 300 ng/mL CE JC152-23U BAR Barbiturate Test Cassette Urine Cassette 25 时间 300 ng/mL CE JC153-11U BUP Buprenorphine Test Strip Urine Strip 50 时间 10 ng/mL CE JC153-23U BUP Buprenorphine Test...

什么是猴痘 ?

猴痘是由猴痘病毒引起的疾病. 它是一种病毒性人畜共患疾病, meaning that it can spread from animals to humans. It can also spread between people. Symptoms of monkeypox Symptoms of monkeypox typically include a fever, intense headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, swollen lymph nodes and a skin rash or lesions. The rash usually begins within one to three days of the start of a fever. Lesions can be flat or slightly raised, filled with...