
中东医疗实验室 2024

Powering medical laboratory growth in the Middle East and beyond Global reach, 本地焦点: 行业专业人士的中心,提供量身定制的解决方案,以鼓励医学实验室的机会. 加入社区并见证实验室进步的未来. 步入医学实验室创新的脉搏! 中东医疗实验室 2024 是尖端突破的交响曲, 一幅充满无限网络可能性的画布, 以及通向医学未来的大门. 在这非凡的旅程中, we invite you to join us at...


Hospitalar 贸易展涵盖整个健康行业并促进其生产链中的良好业务. The future of the sector is here! At Hospitalar Tecnologia you will find a dedicated area for health tech companies and startups, as well as spaces with free lectures, demonstrations and knowledge generation. This is where the International Digital Forum, the main forum for technology applied to health, also takes place. In Hospital Rehabilitation, you will find companies that present equipment, devices and solutions for rehabilitation,...

什么是猴痘 ?

猴痘是由猴痘病毒引起的疾病. 它是一种病毒性人畜共患疾病, meaning that it can spread from animals to humans. It can also spread between people. Symptoms of monkeypox Symptoms of monkeypox typically include a fever, intense headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, swollen lymph nodes and a skin rash or lesions. The rash usually begins within one to three days of the start of a fever. Lesions can be flat or slightly raised, filled with...

COVID-19 整体解决方案

COVID-19 是一种由 SARS-COV-2 病毒引起的传染性呼吸道疾病, 在中国疫情爆发期间首次得到证实. In order to more effectively control the communication of COVID-19, early discovery, early prevention, early treatment is critical. JCMED has taken swift actions in the wake of COVID-19 and has successfully developed three kinds of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Self-Testing, jcivd, SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM Test- that make contributions to the global battle against the virus.