
JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit (尿) Cut-off

Drug test detects the presence of drugs and drug metabolites using cutoff levels to determine whether a specimen tests positive or negative for the use of a specific drug. JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit (尿) is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of drugs of abuse in human urine specimens. The test kit detect OPI, 拖把, BZO, jcivd, 摇头丸, 五氯酚, 四氢大麻酚, 酒吧, 氧, 三氯乙酸, TML, 聚苯乙烯, 安培, 最大传输距离, jcivd, 凯特, K2, BUP, COT, FYL in urine qualitatively. Cut-off ConcentrationsAccept OEM Drug Name Abbreviation Cut-off Specification Customization Amphetamine AMP 1000...


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