Тест MP IgM M.Pneumonia Ab на антиген MP

Тест MP IgM M.Pneumonia Ab на антиген MP

MP IgM M.Pneumonia Ab Rapid Test

– Образец: Цельная кровь/сыворотка/плазма

– Форма: Cassette

– CE, ИСО13485, сертифицированный FSC



MP IgM M.Pneumonia Ab Rapid Test

This Mycoplasma Pneumonia (депутат) MP antigen test is intended to detect Mycoplasma Pneumonia antibodies qualitatively, and used as a screening test device, and as an aid in the diagnostics of Mycoplasma Pneumonia disease.

M.pneumoniae is an important respiratory tract pathogen of humans. Several syndromes have been associated with the infection, including pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, and inflammation of the tympanic membrane presenting as bullous myringitis. M.pneumoniae has been reproted as the cause of 25-30% of all community-acquried pneumonia (CAP) cases.

MP Antigen Test Feature:

  1. Быстро тестируется и легко читается.
  2. Высокая чувствительность и высокое качество.
  3. OEM-пакет доступен

Использование по назначению:

The reagent is used to detect the mycoplasma pneumonia IgM antibody in serum/plasma/wholel blood qualitatively. Mycoplasma pneumonia is the causative agent of respiratory tract infectious diseases and complication of other systems. There will be a symptom with headache, fever, dry cough, and muscle pain. People of all age groups can be infected while youth, middle-aged and children under 4 years old have a higher infection rate. 30% of the infected population may have a whole lung infection.

In normal infection, MP-IgM can be detected as early as 1 week after infected, continue to rise very rapidly, peaking in about 2-4 weeks, decreasing gradually

in 6 weeks, disappear in 2-3 месяцы. Detection of MP-IgM antibody can diagnose MP infection in early stage.

Тестовая процедура:


 Тест на антиген MP, цельная кровь, IgM, M. Pneumonia Ab, экспресс-тест кассета

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