Экспресс-тест на алкоголь

Экспресс-тест на алкоголь

Экспресс-тест на алкоголь

Specimen: Saliva

Formet: Cassette(device)

FSC certified


Экспресс-тест на алкоголь

ALS Alcohol Screening Rapid Test is an one step test kit for the determination of alcohol in saliva. It is used to obtain a visual, qualitative results for detection of alcohol.


  1. Fast to test and easy to read.
  2. High sensitivity and high quality.
  3. OEM package is available

Тестовая процедура:



Our advantage:

★10 fully automated production lines
★The price is 10-15% cheaper than industry average because of an excellent and efficient management system.
★Produce capacity is around 2,000,000pcs/day. The lead time will be shorter 3-5 days than industry average.
★Manual can be provide for the customer.

Low shipping cost:We have professional freight forwarders to ship the goods via Africa line.




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