kit de teste CDV

kit de teste CDV


kit de teste CDV

Description by JNCMED:
JNCMED Canine Distemper Virus Antigen Cdv Ag Test is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of canine distemper virus antigen (CDV Ag) in secretions from dog’s eyes, nasal cavities, and anus or in serum, plasma specimen.


*Type: Detection Card
* Used for: CDV Test
*Specimens: Fezes
*Assay Time: 5-10 Minutes
*Amostra: Supply
*Storage: 2-30°C
*Expiry date: two years from date of manufacture
*Customized: Accept

Introduction by JNCMED

Canine distemper is a contagious and serious viral illness with no known cure.
The disease affects dogs, and certain species of wildlife, such as raccoons, wolves, foxes, and skunks.
The common house pet, the ferret, is also a carrier of this virus. Canine distemper belongs to the Morbillivirus class of viruses, and is a relative of the measles virus, which affects humans,
the Rinderpest virus that affects cattle, and the Phocine virus that causes seal distemper.
JNCMED Canine Distemper Virus Antigen Cdv Ag Test is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of canine distemper virus antigen (CDV Ag) in secretions from dog’s eyes, nasal cavities,
and anus or in serum, plasma specimen.

contents by JNCMED

1.JNCMED test device individually foil-pouched with a desiccant
2.Assay solution in tube
3.Disposable dropper
4.Sterilized swab
5.Instruction manual for use

procedimento de teste

*Colete a ocular do cachorro, secreções nasais ou anais com o cotonete e molhe o cotonete o suficiente.
*Insira o cotonete no tubo tampão de ensaio fornecido. Agita-o para obter uma extração de amostra eficiente.
*Se estiver usando amostra de soro ou plasma, use o conta-gotas para coletar a amostra. Lugar 3 gotas de soro ou plasma no tubo tampão de ensaio para diluição. A amostra diluída é usada como extração de amostra.
*Retire o dispositivo de teste da bolsa de alumínio e coloque-o horizontalmente.
Aspire a extração de amostra tratada do tubo de tampão de ensaio e coloque 3 drops into the sample holeSof the test device.
*Interprete o resultado em 5-10 minutos. resultado depois 10 minutos é considerado inválido.


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