swine flu diagnosis

swine flu diagnosis


swine flu diagnosis

Our veterinary range for the control of infectious diseases in farm animals is marketed under the brand name JNCMED.

We offer tests for major notifiable diseases of swine such as Aujeszky’s Disease, Classical Swine Fever, and Foot and Mouth Disease, diseases impacting swine production such as PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, as well as emerging diseases of concern, such as African Swine Fever.


• Materials Provided

1.Test Cassette 2.Droppers 3.Buffer 4.Package Insert


1) Allow all kit components and sample to reach room temperature prior to testing.
2) Add 1 drop of whole blood, serum or plasma to the sample well and wait 30-60seconds.
3) Add 3drops of buffer to the sample well.
4) Read results within 8-10 분. Do not read after 20 분.


-Positive (+): The presence of bothCline and zoneTline, no matter T line is clear or vague.
-Negative (-): Only clear C line appear. No T line.
-Invalid: No colored line appears in C zone. No matter if T line appears.

Application :

JCMED Canine Parvovirus (CPV) Rapid Test Kit strip is a lateral flow strip test for the qualitative detection of Canine Parvovirus (CPV) Rapid Test Kit in plasma/serum, eye and conjunctival serections, nasal fluid, saliva, and urine.

Storage conditions :

Room temperature Expiration Date: 24 months after manufacturing date.


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