TORCH lgM および lgG 迅速検査

TORCH lgM および lgG 迅速検査

TORCH lgM および lgG 迅速検査

– 検体: Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood

– かたち: Panel

– 迅速検査キット, FSC認定



TORCH lgM および lgG 迅速検査

TORCH lgM and lgG Rapid Test are rapid lateral flow test designed for the qualitative detection of the lgM and lgG antibodies to the following viruses in human serum/plasma specimens: Toxoplasmosis (TOXO), Cytomegalovirus(CMV), Rubella Virus Type 1(HSV-1) and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2(HSV-2).

The acronym TORCH was introduced to highlight a group of viral diseases which affect the fetus and newborn, namely Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO), rubella virus (RV), cytomegalovirus(CMV), and herpes simplex viruses(HSV). These diseases often lead to a similar clinical picture which includes one or more of the following clinical signs: low birth weight, prematurity, purpura, jaundice, anemia, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, cerebral calcification, chorioretinitis, cataracts, microphthalmia, hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism and pneumonitis. The early diagnosis of TORCH infection is very important to avoid the symptoms and lesions.



  1. テストが速く、読みやすい.
  2. 高感度・高品質.
  3. OEMパッケージが利用可能です
  4. IgG/IgM Antibodies are available.


TORCH lgM および lgG 迅速検査

私たちの アドバンテージ:

★お値段は 10-15% 優れた効率的な管理システムにより、業界平均よりも安価.

★The lead time will be shorter 3-5 日業界平均より.


