Rotavirus Antigen Rapid Test
– 検体: 糞便
– かたち: ストリップとカセット
– CE, 迅速検査キット, FSC認定
- 説明
- 問い合わせ
Rotavirus Antigen Test Rotavirus Ag Rapid Test is an one step highly sensitive test kit for the determination of rotavirus Ag in human feces.
A rotavirus infection causing gastroenteritis is one of the major health concerns throughout the world. Scientists have described seven rotavirus group(A to G).Only groups A,B and C infect humans. Group A, which has multiple strains, causes majority of childhood infections. Children between the ages of 6 と 24 months are at greatest risk for developing severe disease from rotavirus infection. Rotavirus is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, via contact with contaminated hands, surfaces, and objects.
ROV 特徴:
- テストが速く、読みやすい.
- 高感度・高品質.
- OEMパッケージが利用可能です
私たちの アドバンテージ:
★お値段は 10-15% 優れた効率的な管理システムにより、業界平均よりも安価.
★生産能力は約200万個/日. リードタイムが短くなる 3-5 日業界平均より.