

Lh Ovulation Rapid Test

– 検体: Urine

Cut-off available: 25mIU/mL

– かたち: Strip, カセット, Midstream

– CE, 迅速検査キット, FSC認定


Lh Ovulation Rapid Test

Ovulation test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay, used for women to detect their ovulation by the increasing ratio of Luteinizing Hormone(LH) in human urine for determining most appropriate time for sexual intercourse to yield pregnancy.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a glycoprotein hormone produced by the human anterior pituitary, including protein subunits of αβ. Its function is to promote ovarian synthesis and secretion of estrogen, stimulate maturation of follicular act synergistically with FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). Ovulation time can be predicted by the detection of LH peak.

Ovulation test Feature:

  1. テストが速く、読みやすい.
  2. 高感度・高品質.
  3. OEMパッケージが利用可能です
  4. Cut-off available: 25mIU/mL

Ovulation test Test Procedure:

Ovulation test

私たちの アドバンテージ:

★お値段は 10-15% 優れた効率的な管理システムにより、業界平均よりも安価.
★生産能力は約200万個/日. リードタイムが短くなる 3-5 日業界平均より.

