FeLV test kit

FeLV test kit

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FELV test kit


JNC Med Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Leukemia Virus Antigen FIV Ab FELV Ag Combo Test is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of feline leukemia virus antigen (FeLV Ag) in cat’s serum, plasma and whole blood specimen.

*タイプ: 検出カード
* のために使用される: FIV FelV Combo Rapid Test
*標本: Serum, plasma, whole blood
*アッセイ時間: 5-10 分
*サンプル: 供給
*保管所: 2-30℃
*有効期限: 製造日から2年間
*カスタマイズされた: 受け入れる

材料 Provided by sabrina@jcmedtj.com

1.JNCMED 試験装置は個別に乾燥剤が入ったホイルパウチに入れられています





Symptoms for FIV FELV

For FELV Lack of energy, loss of appetite, weight loss and will lose weight, diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes, anemia, difficulty breathing, fever

For FIV Cats infected with FIV generally do not show any symptoms for many years, but once symptoms appear, the function of the cat’s immune system will decline, leading to various secondary infections. The main symptoms of FIV infection in cats are: swollen lymph nodes, fever, anemia, diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, abnormal or inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis), inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), red skin or hair loss, sneezing, eyes Or nose discharge, frequent urination and abnormal behavior.

If your cats with the above symptoms, you are suggested to take test for your cats.


1. 簡単操作

2. 高速読み取り結果

3. 高い感度と精度

4. リーズナブルな価格と高品質


*Allow all materials, including specimen and test device, recover to 15-25ºC before running the assay.
*Take out the test card from the foil pouch and place it horizontally.
*Collect 50μL of the prepared specimen into a vial of assay buffer and mix well. Then drop 3 drops (approx. 120μL) of the diluted sample into each sample holeSof the test card.
*結果を解釈します 5-10 分. 後の結果 10 分は無効とみなされます.


※ポジティブ (+): どちらの存在も “C” ラインとゾーン “T” ライン, Tラインがはっきりしていても曖昧でも.
※ネガティブ (-): 鮮明なCラインのみが表示されます. Tラインなし.
無効: Cゾーンにカラーラインが出ない. Tラインが出ても構わない.
