Esame della PSA

Esame della PSA


Esame della PSA

African swine fever (ASF) cannot be differentiated from other febrile haemorrhagic syndromes or bacterial septicaemias of pigs by either clinical or post-mortem examination. Laboratory tests are,
therefore, essential for the diagnosis of ASF and are key to the success of ASF surveillance activities by JNCMED.

The ability to test for ASF at the point of disease allows for rapid response to outbreaks and control of the spread of disease in endemic situations.

These include basic rapid test kits for detecting antigens or antibodies using lateral flow devices that are simple to use, require minimal training and can provide a result within approximately 20 minuti.


• Materiali forniti

1.Cassetta del test 2.Contagocce 3.Buffer 4.Fondo illustrativo

• Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

Timer 2. Contenitori per la raccolta dei campioni 3.Centrifuga (solo per plasma) 4.Lancette (solo per sangue prelevato dal polpastrello) 5.Tubi capillari eparinizzati e bulbo di erogazione (solo per sangue prelevato dal polpastrello)


1) Lasciare che tutti i componenti del kit e il campione raggiungano la temperatura ambiente prima del test.
2) Aggiungere 1 goccia di sangue intero, siero o plasma nel pozzetto del campione e attendere 30-60 secondi.
3) Aggiungere 3 gocce di tampone nel pozzetto del campione.
4) Leggi i risultati all'interno 8-10 minuti. Non leggere dopo 20 minuti.

Our veterinary range for the control of infectious diseases in farm animals is marketed under the brand name JNCMED.

We offer tests for major notifiable diseases of swine such as Aujeszky’s Disease, Classical Swine Fever, and Foot and Mouth Disease, diseases impacting swine production such as PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, as well as emerging diseases of concern, such as African Swine Fever.

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