Kit di test rapido multi-droga JNCMED™ (Urina) Tagliare

Kit di test rapido multi-droga JNCMED™ (Urina) Tagliare

What are drug test cut-off levels?

Il test antidroga rileva la presenza di droghe e metaboliti delle droghe utilizzando livelli limite per determinare se un campione risulta positivo o negativo per l'uso di una droga specifica.

Kit di test rapido multi-droga JNCMED™

JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit (Urina) è un test immunologico visivo rapido per la rilevazione qualitativa di droghe d'abuso in campioni di urina umana. Il kit del test rileva l'OPI, MOCIO, BZO, INCONTRATO, MDMA, PCP, THC, SBARRA, OSSI, TCA, TML, PPX, AMP, MTD, COC, KET, K2, BUP, CULLA, FYL nelle urine qualitativamente.

Cut-off Concentrations

Accept OEM
Drug NameAbbreviationTagliare
AmphetamineAMP1000 di/ml500/300 di/ml
SecobarbitaSBARRA300 di/ml200 di/ml
BuprenorphineBUP10 di/ml/
BenzodiazepinesBZ0300 di/ml200 di/ml
CocaineCOC300 di/ml150 di/ml
CotnineCULLA200 di/ml/
EDDPEDDP300 di/ml100 di/ml
AlcoholETG1000 di/ml500 di/ml
FentanylFYL200 di/ml100/10 di/ml
Synthetic MarijuanaK250 di/ml/
XetamineKET100 di/ml500 di/ml
(±)3,4-Methylenedioxyme thamphetamineMDMA500 di/ml1000 di/ml
MethamphetamineMET/MAMP1000 di/ml500/300 di/ml
MorphineMOP/MOR300 di/ml100 di/ml
MethadoneMTD300 di/ml200 di/ml
OppiaceiOPI2000 di/ml/
OxycodoneOSSI100 di/ml300 di/ml
PhencyclidinePCP25 di/ml10 di/ml
PregabalinPGB5000 di/ml/
PropoxyphenePPX300 di/ml100 di/ml
CarisoprodolSOMA2000 di/ml/
Tricyclic antidepressantTCA1000 di/ml500 di/ml
TetrahydrocannabinolTHC50 di/ml25/20 di/ml
TramadolTRA/TML300 di/ml200/100 di/ml

JNCMED™ Multi-drug Rapid Test Kit Test Principle

Multi-Drug Strips: This kit uses specific antigen-antibody reaction, combining Gold Immunochromatography Assay experiment, highly specific and sensitive competition method to detect OPI, MOCIO, BZO, INCONTRATO, MDMA, PCP, THC, SBARRA, OSSI, TCA, TML, PPX, AMP, MTD, COC, KET, K2, BUP, CULLA, FYL in urine.

When testing, urine moving forward under the action of chromatography. If the concentration of the analyte in urine is below the cut-off level, colloidal gold antibodies can not be combined with the analyte in the urine completely, and the rest of colloidal gold antibodies will be captured by the conjugated antigen on the NC membrane, appearing a visible red precipitate line (test line T). If the concentration of the analyte in urine is higher than the cut-off level, the analyte in urine can combine all of colloidal gold antibodies, thus no colloidal gold antibodies can combine with the antigen conjugated on the NC membrane, so no red line appeared in the test area(T). Whether the analyte exists in the urine or not, a red line (control line C) will always appear in the control area (C) to serve as a procedure control.