Kit de test rapide du calicivirus félin FCV

Kit de test rapide du calicivirus félin FCV

La description

Kit de test rapide du calicivirus félin FCV


JCMED Feline Calicivirus (FCV) is virus of family Caliciviridae. It is a highly contagious virus that causes upper respiratory infections (URIs) or cat flu in cats and kittens, causing runny nose and eyes, éternuer, and sometimes painful sores inside the mouth, or sudden lameness. Due to its high contagiousness, Feline Calicivirus is one of the major problems in animal-shelter environments. There is no direct cure for the illness, toutefois, most cats recover completely with supportive care, while many become asymptomatic carriers of FCV.

JCMED supply the test cassette has a testing window with the T (test) zone and C (control) zone. When the cat’s sample is applied into the sample hole of the device, the liquid laterally flows through the surface of the test strip and reacts with the pre-coated monoclonal antibodies. If there is Feline Calicivirus antigen in the specimen, a visible T line will appear. The C line should always appear after a sample is applied, indicating a valid result. This means, the device accurately indicates the presence or absence of Feline Calicivirus antigen in the specimen.



– Cassette de test
– Compte-gouttes stérile jetable
– Liquide tampon
– Bâton-écouvillon
– Dépliant d’instructions

This Feline Calicivirus test REQUIRES cat’s ocular, nasal or anus secretions sample, or serum / plasma sample.
These tests for cats can be performed at home and do not necesarrily require any additional equipment. Can be used with or without centrifuge.

JcMed Les résultats sont prêts 5-10 minutes.


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