Kit de test FCoV

Kit de test FCoV

La description

Kit de test FCoV

JNCMED Felivet FCoV Ag Test is a test cassette to detect the presence of Feline Coron virus antigen (FCoV Ag) in cat’s pleural fluid, ascitic fluid or feces specimen, to provide a reference for diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) infection..

*Taper: Carte de détection

* Utilisé pour: FCoV Test

*Spécimens: Excréments

*Temps d'analyse: 5-10 Minutes

*Échantillon: Fournir

*Stockage: 2-30°C

*Date d'expiration: deux ans à compter de la date de fabrication

*Personnalisé: Accepter


Feline Calicivirus Fcv Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test

Introduction by JNCMED

The Felivet FCoV Ag Test is a test cassette to detect the presence of Feline Coron virus antigen (FCoV Ag) in cat’s pleural fluid, ascitic fluid or feces specimen, to provide a reference for diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) infection.

Matériaux Fourni par

1.Dispositif de test JNCMED emballé individuellement avec un dessicant
2.Solution de dosage en tube
3.Compte-gouttes jetable
4.Sterilized swab
5.Mode d'emploi pour l'utilisation


The FCoV Ag Rapid Test is based on sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay. The test device has a testing window for the observation of assay running and result reading. The testing window has an invisible T (test) zone and a C (control) zone before running the assay. When the treated sample was applied into the sample hole on the device, the liquid will laterally flow through the surface of the test strip and react with the pre-coated monoclonal antibodies. If there is FIPV antigen in the specimen, a visible T line will appear. The C line should always appear after a sample is applied, which indicates a valid result. By this means, the device can accurately indicate the presence of FIPV antigen in the specimen.


1. Opération facile

2. Résultat à lecture rapide

3. Haute sensibilité et précision

4. Prix ​​raisonnable et haute qualité

Procédure de test

– Autoriser tous les matériaux (including specimens and test equipment) to recover to °C.15-25 before testing is performed
– Remove the test equipment from the foil bag and place it horizontally.
– Collection of pleural or peritoneal fluids from patient cats for filtration and centrifuge to remove impurities. Use transparent liquid in detection. In the case of pleural fluid or ascites fluid, use a dropper to prepare 1 drop (environ. µL 40) into the sample hole “S” of the test equipment. and then immediately put 2 gouttes (about 80μL) of detection buffer into the sample hole. Note: if the liquid specimen is sufficient, put about 0.5 mL of liquid specimen into the detection buffer and mix well for direct use.
– In the case of stool specimens, the tip of the cat’s dung is collected with a swab. Insert the swab into the supply detection buffer tube to dilute. shake to make it fully resolved and use the mixture in the detection.
– Explain the results within 15-20 minutes. The results after 20 minutes are considered invalid


Interprétation du résultat

※Positif (+): La présence à la fois de la ligne « C » et de la ligne « T » de la zone, peu importe la ligne T est claire ou vague.

※Négatif (-): Seule la ligne C claire apparaît. Pas de ligne T.

Invalide: Aucune ligne colorée n'apparaît dans la zone C. Peu importe si la ligne T apparaît.


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