Test Poct Alpha-Fetoprotéine AFP

Test Poct Alpha-Fetoprotéine AFP

Product Component:

Test Card

Detection Buffer

ID chip

instruction for Use

Catégories: ,

La description

Test Poct Alpha-Fetoprotéine AFP


Quantitative Determination Kit for Alpha-Fetoprotein(AFP)


The JcMed AFP along with the JcMed HTY-100 PLUS/HTY-1600 Reader is a fluorescence immunoassay that quantifies the total alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) concentration in

human serum/plasma.AFP is a kind of single-chain glycoprotein, which contains 4% carbohydrates. The average molecular weight of AFP is about 70kD, which is an embryo-related protein.


For Detection Buffer, store as packaged in the sealed pouch at 2-30°C, éviter la chaleur et le soleil, endroit sec, valable 24 months.For Test Card, store as packaged in the sealed pouch at 2-30°C, éviter la chaleur et le soleil, endroit sec, valable 24 mois.NE PAS CONGELER. Some protective measures should be taken in hot summer and cold winter to avoid high temperature or repeated freezing and thawing.


DO NOT OPEN the pouch if not intend to use the test card. Please use the test card immediately once the pouch is open


Fluorescence Immunoassay Quantitative Analyzer manufactured by JcMed Model No.: HTY-100 PLUS, HTY-1600.

Specimen Stability:

Serum or plasma samples can be stored for 3 days at 2-8°C. If longer storage is required, freeze at -20°C. Make sure the samples come to room temperature before detection. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

Notre avantage:

★10 lignes de production entièrement automatisées
★ Le prix est 10-15% moins cher que la moyenne de l'industrie en raison d'un système de gestion excellent et efficace.
★ La capacité de production est d'environ 2 000 000 pièces/jour. Le délai sera plus court 3-5 jours que la moyenne de l'industrie.
★ Le manuel peut être fourni au client.

Faible coût d'expédition:Nous avons des transitaires professionnels pour expédier les marchandises via la ligne africaine.


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