HSV-II Herpes Simplex Virus II الاختبار السريع

HSV-II Herpes Simplex Virus II الاختبار السريع

HSV-II(Herpes Simplex Virus II) اختبار سريع

– عينة: Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood

– حساسية: HSV-II Ab lgM:98.92%

HSV-II Ab lgG:97.84%

– على شكل: كاسيت

– م, ISO13485, شهادة FSC



HSV-II Herpes Simplex Virus II الاختبار السريع

JcMed HSV-II lgM Rapid Test and HSV-II lgG Rapid Test are rapid lateral flow test designed for the qualitative detection of the lgM and lgG antibodies to Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-II) in human serum/plasma specimens.

The acronym HSV-II is a viral diseases which affect the fetus and newborn. It often leads to a clinical sign: low birth weight, prematurity, purpura, jaundice, anemia, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, cerebral calcification, chorioretinitis, cataracts, microphthalmia, hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism and pneumonitis. The early diagnosis of HSV-II infection is very important to avoid the symptoms and lesions.


  1. سريع الاختبار وسهل القراءة.
  2. حساسية عالية وجودة عالية.
  3. حزمة OEM متاح
  4. – عينة: Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood

    – حساسية: HSV-II Ab lgM:98.92%

    HSV-II Ab lgG:97.84%


إجراء الاختبار:

HSV-II Herpes Simplex Virus II الاختبار السريع
HSV-II Herpes Simplex Virus II الاختبار السريع


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